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01153153162 - 035777575

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الأسكندرية - مصر ٦١٥ طريق الحرية بجوار جامع يحيى ( زيزينيا)


01153153162 - 035777575

Orthotics service

Spine Pain

Spine Pain

Spine pain itself depends on many reasons , Cartilage is a spongy cushion that separates the vertebrae of the spine to absorb shock and keep the spine stable and to give the vertebrae “pivot points” that allow movement.


The discs consist of:

1 – an elastic outer sheath (annulus fibrosus) that surrounds the inner content of the cartilage.

2 – inner gel-like substance (nucleus pulposus).

Cartilage can handle pressure on the back, but certain types of stress can cause stress and irritation to the outer cortex. In some cases, this may cause its contents to be ejected (this is known as a disc protrusion).


With age, cartilage changes, and the structure of the spine adapts to handle the physical loads of daily life, even in healthy people without back pain. Cartilage swelling, narrowing (loss of cartilage height) and dehydration are common normal age-related changes.


Symptoms of cartilage pain: 

Back ache.

Increased back pain when bending frequently or sitting for long periods.

Back pain increases with coughing, sneezing, laughing or straining.

Pain, numbness, or pins and needles spreading to an arm or leg.


Factors causing chondromalacia pain:


Lack of fitness

Not exercising regularly.

Cigarette smoking.

Old age

Heavy lifting.

However, cartilage changes often develop without an identifiable factor.


Causes of cartilage pain:


1# degenerative disc:

Degenerative disc disease is an age-related condition that occurs when one or more of the cartilage between the vertebrae of the spine deteriorates or breaks down and no longer provides as much protection as it did before, resulting in pain. In some cases, degenerative disc also causes weakness, numbness, and pains in the arms or legs. Degenerative disc usually consists of chronic, low-level pain with intermittent episodes of severe pain.


Causes of a degenerative disc:

1 – costochondritis

Inflammatory proteins leak out of the inner cartilage space as it deteriorates causing swelling of the surrounding spinal structures.

This inflammation causes muscle tension and spasm. If a nerve root becomes inflamed, pain and numbness may spread to the arm, shoulder, hips, or leg.


2- Change in the shape of the cartilage

Deterioration of the outer layer of the disc leads to abnormal small movements between the vertebrae. These subtle movements can cause tension and irritation in the surrounding muscles, joints or nerve roots as the vertebral segment gradually becomes unstable, causing intermittent episodes of severe pain.


Both inflammation and instability of fine movement can cause muscle spasms in the lower back or neck, causing muscle tension and spasms that are extremely painful and lead to the intense pain associated with degenerative disc disease.


Symptoms of a degenerative disc:

Anaesthesia and numbness in the extremities.

The pain increases while sitting, bending, lifting or twisting.

Weakness in leg muscle

Periods of severe pain that last for days or even months.

The pain ranges in intensity from nagging to downright debilitating.


2# sliding meniscus:

In a herniated disc, the soft material inside the cartilage leaks through a tear in the outer, tougher part of the cartilage.

A herniated disc irritates nearby nerves, causing pain.


Causes of herniated disc:

In addition to old age, herniated disc problems can also be the result of improperly lifting heavy objects. If you raise your back instead of your legs, or twist or turn while lifting heavy objects, you may end up with a herniated disc.

Sometimes, a herniated disc may be caused by falls or blows to the back.


Symptoms of herniated disc: 

arm pain

leg pain




#3 Spinal stenosis:

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the open spaces in the spine and is most common in the lower back and neck.

When this happens, it compresses the nerves that travel through the spine, causing a variety of symptoms that may worsen over time.


Spinal stenosis symptoms:

Symptoms of spinal stenosis vary by location. If you have cervical spine stenosis in the neck the symptoms are:

difficulty walking

Lack of sense of balance.

Numbness, tingling, and weakness in the hands, arms, feet, or legs.

Pain in the neck.

Loss of bowel or bladder control in severe cases.


Low back pain from spinal stenosis includes:

Back ache.

Numbness, tingling and weakness in one of your feet or legs.

Pain or cramping in one or both legs when standing or walking for long periods.


#4 Sciatica:

The term “sciatica” refers to symptoms that involve leg pain along the large sciatic nerve that runs along the back of each leg. This pain often accompanies tingling, numbness, and weakness originating in the lower back and traveling along the back of the leg.


Causes of sciatica:

Sciatica is not a medical condition in itself, but rather a symptom of another medical condition. Medical conditions may be involved in the following:

Degenerative disc disease.

Sliding cartilage in the lower back.

Spinal stenosis.


Symptoms of sciatica:

Symptoms of sciatica include:

Constant pain in one side of the leg and buttock.

Leg pain is often more noticeable when sitting.

You might describe leg pain as burning, or tingling.

The pain travels down the back of one leg and possibly into your foot and toes.

pain that makes walking and standing painful.


#5 Compressed nerve:

A herniated disc is one of the most common causes of a pinched nerve.


Causes of a pinched nerve:

A herniated disc in the lower part of the spine may put pressure on the nerve root, causing severe pain in the back of the leg.


Pinched nerve symptoms:

muscle weakness

Anaesthesia in the affected areas of the nerve.

Feeling of pins in the affected areas.

Sharp, aching, or burning pain that spreads from the inside out.


#6 Cartilage bulge:

In the case of cartilage bulge, it appears along the circumference of one of the cartilages without rupturing the outer membrane. They often appear along the posterior and lateral parts of the cartilage, putting pressure on the nerve and causing pain.


Symptoms of osteoarthritis:


difficulty walking







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