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615 El Horreya Road, next to Yahya Mosque, Zizinia.


01153153162 - 035777575

عنوان العيادة

الأسكندرية - مصر ٦١٥ طريق الحرية بجوار جامع يحيى ( زيزينيا)


01153153162 - 035777575

Orthotics service

Natural Therapy

Natural Therapy

Body aches are a common symptom of many conditions. Aches can also be caused by your daily life, especially if you stand, walk, or exercise for long periods of time.

You may just need rest and some therapy at home to relieve your body aches. But some aches — especially those that last a long time — may mean you have an underlying condition. In these cases, you may need to see your doctor for a diagnosis to develop a long-term treatment plan to relieve aches and other associated symptoms.

With age, cartilage changes, and the structure of the spine adapts to handle the physical loads of daily life, even in healthy people without back pain. Cartilage swelling, narrowing (loss of cartilage height) and dehydration are common normal age-related changes.


Symptoms of cartilage pain:

Back ache.

Increased back pain when bending frequently or sitting for long periods.

Back pain increases with coughing, sneezing, laughing or straining.

Pain, numbness, or pins and needles spreading to an arm or leg if the pinching irritates an adjacent nerve.

Pain is also a warning signal designed to alert us to potential harm and to protect us from injury. As a result, feeling pain does not necessarily mean physical injury.


How does the pain occur?

When a tissue in the body is injured or an injury occurs, special nerves called pain receptors send information to the brain to warn of damage. The body responds to reduce damage -such as pain signals to make sure the person doesn’t step on the injured foot- and begin the healing process, which is swelling in the affected area to begin the healing process.


Causes of body soreness:


Stress causes pain in the body. When you feel stressed, the immune system can’t control its response to inflammation either. So your body cannot fight off infection or disease as it normally does and this causes the body to ache as it becomes more susceptible to infections and infections throughout the body.



Drink water more:

Water is a vital element for the normal and healthy functioning of the body and without it, your body cannot properly perform many of its important processes, including breathing and digestion.


When you become dehydrated and these processes are not working well, you can feel physical pain as a result.


Lack of sleep:

You need at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night and not getting enough sleep can affect your overall health as the tissues and cells of your body need proper sleep to stay healthy, and your brain needs it to stay fresh and alert. Without it, your body does not have time to rest and replenish basic energies and processes.


Vitamin D deficiency:

The level of calcium in the blood drops when you don’t have enough vitamin D in the body. Many important organs of the body depend on calcium to function properly. Your bones also need calcium to stay healthy. Without enough vitamin D to help you absorb calcium, you feel pain in these organs and in your bones.



Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells to function properly, so your tissues can’t get enough oxygen. Many parts of your body feel tired because they don’t get enough oxygen to stay healthy or function correctly.



Fibromyalgia is a condition in which your entire body can feel tired, achy, and sensitive. Stressful events such as physical trauma, surgery, and infections may trigger it.


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

A condition that makes you feel tired and weak — no matter how much rest or sleep you get — often causes insomnia. Because your body doesn’t feel rested or rejuvenated, chronic fatigue syndrome can also cause muscle aches and joint pain throughout the body.



The causes of joint pain are inflammation in the joint area as a result of:

The breakdown of cartilage around the joint.

Infection in the joint.

Autoimmune diseases that damage the lining around the joint, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.



Lupus appears when your immune system attacks the tissues around your body, including blood vessels, organs and joints.

The pain is caused by the damage and inflammation caused by this autoimmune condition.


Multiple Sclerosis

It is an autoimmune condition that occurs in the central nervous system in which the tissue surrounding nerve cells breaks down, causing ongoing inflammation. The damage causes your nervous system to not transmit sensations properly, causing pain, tingling, or other abnormal sensations.


Types of pain:

The amount of time a person experiences pain is an important indicator and is divided accordingly into two types:


1 – acute pain

It is often a reflection of actual tissue injury or damage.


Symptoms of acute pain:

Its duration is less than 3 months.

locally in the affected area.

It is accompanied by swelling, warmth and redness in the affected area.

related to a specific injury or event.

increases when affected tissues are provoked or compromised, and decreases when the nociceptive agent is removed; For example: If you have a swollen or injured tendon in your shoulder, you may feel pain when you move your arm over your head. When you move the arm down, the pain often disappears, or at least significantly reduces.




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