Clinic Location

615 El Horreya Road, next to Yahya Mosque, Zizinia.


01153153162 - 035777575

عنوان العيادة

الأسكندرية - مصر ٦١٥ طريق الحرية بجوار جامع يحيى ( زيزينيا)


01153153162 - 035777575

Orthotics service

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

It is less associated with tissue injury or damage and is instead associated with other factors such as: chronic inflammation, changes in nerve sensitivity, emotions, previous traumatic injury, and changes in the brain.


Symptoms of chronic pain:

Pain that persists for more than 3 months.

Existing pain that is not caused by tissue damage or injury.

Spreading pain.

The pain is often unexpected and cannot be consistently associated with a particular movement or activity.

Hypersensitivity to even the slightest pain triggers.

Pain accompanied by psychological factors such as depression, fear or anxiety.


Depending on its type, pain is treated by:

Acute pain treatment:

If you are in acute pain, your physical therapist will help you identify affected tissues (such as bones, muscles, tendons) and prescribe treatment to help promote healing and reduce pressure on the affected area, with instructions on how to safely return to your normal activities without further harming the affected tissue.


Chronic pain treatment:

A physical therapist can help you identify factors that may lead to chronic pain, including:

Wrong movement patterns.

muscle weakness

Areas of stiffness that prevent normal movement.

Previous injuries that may contribute to the pain.

Fear and negative feelings.

Other behaviors or social factors that can lead to long-term pain.


Therapeutic Nutrition:

Clinical nutrition aims to assess the nutritional status of patients with a diet-related illness or injury in order to benefit the patient’s health and reduce healthcare costs. Clinical nutrition involves setting goals for the patient’s treatment and developing a nutritional prescription appropriate to his condition while monitoring and evaluating the individual’s progress during subsequent visits.


The importance of therapeutic nutrition:

Slimming and treatment of weight-related problems.

Reducing the risk of diseases such as heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Protection from many types of cancer.

Reducing the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Reduced bone loss and reduced risk of kidney stones.


Knee pain symptoms:

Knee pain may be due to an injury (such as a ligament tear or cartilage tear) or other medical conditions such as arthritis and gout to cause knee pain.

The location and severity of knee pain varies with the cause. Signs and symptoms that sometimes accompany knee pain include:

Swelling and stiffness.

Swelling, redness and warmth of the knee.

Weakness and instability of the knee.

Pop sounds.

Inability to fully straighten the knee.

Difficulty bending the knee.



Cardiovascular disease

Heart disease (arrhythmia, high blood pressure, and plaque buildup) if left untreated, can lead to heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, and heart failure.



The abnormal cells begin to divide irregularly, affecting the body’s nutrition negatively. Therefore, many people with cancer don’t eat enough and are at risk of developing malnutrition.


Kidney disease

Kidney diseases lead to high levels of calcium and potassium in the blood, low levels of iron, and poor bone health. Therefore, kidney patients need to adjust their diet along with appropriate treatment for their condition.


weight management

Weight management aims to modify dietary behaviours if a patient has:

 Overweight (obesity).


Eating disorders (food allergy, nutritional syndromes, malnutrition, undernutrition, overnutrition).



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